Contact Charles Hall for all your equipment service needs

CHI services pressbrakes, shears, punch-presses (OBI, OBS), rollers, spot welders, saws, and general metal processing/fabrication equipment.  He has worked with most manufacturers such as Cincinnati, Niagara, Pacific, Wysong, and Lodge & Shipley and several more.

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Crazy times

It has been a crazy couple of years on the service side of the business, running around solving customers issues as fast as I could.
Last year we sold another piece of equipment, have a few more coming soon, and have stuff laying around looking for users.
Soon late spring will be here and off to the races till fall.

Thank You all out there.

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Well finally figured out why many of you were not getting my Invoices/Purchase Orders, The site was hacked and they had fun with trees and huts all over the place.
WOW, it was killing me on why I kept getting people saying didn’t get my emails.

Well now it should be taken care of, and switched to a US based server to help.

Sorry to all of you out there !

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